
Inclement Weather Policy

We DO NOT follow Baltimore County's school closings & delays schedule! When predicted inclement weather threatens to make road conditions unsafe for travel, we take into consideration all reports received from the local news, the weather station and our own weather radio located here in daycare. Depending on our reviews regarding road conditions, radar images and consults from the local branch of the National Weather Service, we will make one of the following recommendations:

  1. Daycare opens at the normal time;
  2. Daycare opening will be delayed one or two hours;
  3. Daycare will be closed early; or,
  4. Daycare will not open for that day.

The decision to close or delay daycare, including how long to delay, will be announced to parents/caregivers via text/email alerts. Alerts will be issued no later than 5:30 a.m. the day of closing. If daycare opens at the normal time, an announcement will not be made. If inclement weather occurs after school day has begun, a decision regarding early release will be made as quickly as possible and parents will be notified via text message, email and phone.

Closings will also be placed on our website’s Home page. It is the parents’ responsibility to notify us that the alert has been received by calling/emailing/texting us immediately. If not, the next person listed on the emergency contact will be notified for pick-up.

Behavior Guidance Policy

Our program shall provide each child with guidance that helps the child acquire a positive self-image, self-control, and acceptable behavior. Discipline and behavior guidance used by staff will, at all times, be constructive, positive, and suited to the age of the child. Staff will provide choices to correct the negative behavior.

The following standards and rules apply to children in our care:

1. To prevent unacceptable behavior from occurring, staff will:

2. When unacceptable behavior is about to occur or is occurring, staff will calmly discuss with the child their behavior/actions to ease the tension. Assist children in learning to identify both positive and negative emotions as well as how to express those emotions in an appropriate way. They will be given several opportunities to correct their behavior and or choose other activities. Staff will use:

3. Holding and rocking of the child will be done when needed. This child-care program complies with all federal, state, and other relevant laws that prohibit corporal or abusive punishment in child-care settings. Additionally, staff will not use unproductive or shaming methods of punishment. We program believes that parents must work together with staff to deal with persistent behavioral issues such as biting, unusual or dangerous aggression, or other issues. Parents will be contacted for a conference when a child appears to be unusually stressed, anxious, or otherwise motivated to engage in negative behaviors.

Screen Time Policy

Because we care about the health and well-being of the children in our care, we follow some of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Recommendations on Screen Time:

Passive technology means non-interactive television, videos, and streaming media.

Interactive technology means educational and age-appropriate technology designed to facilitate active and creative use and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults, including programs, applications, non-commercial television programming, videos, streaming media, and e-books.

Allowing a maximum of 30 minutes total per week of educational and age appropriate screen time (television, video, and DVD).

Sick Policy

This daycare is a well-child care facility. Please do not bring your child if she/he has a contagious illness or exhibits any of the following symptoms:

In general, if your child is too sick to be a viable part of daycare, then your child is too sick to be here. If he/she becomes ill during daycare, you will be phoned and asked to pick up your little one up immediately. Your child must be kept out of daycare for at least 24 hours after there are no signs of the symptoms above. A written notice from physician may need to accommodate certain illnesses.

If your child has a common cold (slight cough, sneezing, clear runny nose and or a temperature 100 degrees or less), your child may stay in daycare. However, if your child reaches a point where she/he requires constant attention, will not play/eat, cries continuously, whines and wants to be held constantly, then your child will need to stay home unless a previous "understanding” is made with us. Some illnesses will not just go away. It is much easier to treat the illness at first sight rather than letting it manifest and get worst.

All forms must be updated for new shots, known allergies, disease or communicable illnesses. The intent of this policy is to prevent the spread of any communicable sicknesses and to assure all other children receive quality supervision.

Administering Medication

As a precaution, children may NOT transport medication to daycare including Carmex and Blistex products unless a "self carry/self administration of emergency medication authorization approval" has been completed.

In order for this daycare to administer medicine, remember that:

Feel free to download any of the following documents as they pertain to your child's health(arrow back to return to this site):

Sick Policy for Before & After Care Contract Holders

If your child is to sick to be in school, he/she is too sick to be in daycare. If for some unforeseen reason you are notified that your child cannot stay in school due to an illness, it is your responsibility for getting him/her. If all attempts on your behalf to get your child fail, we may extend the courtesy & transport your child back to our facility to be kept secluded until your immediate arrival.

You may want to consider these sites when making medical decisions pertaining to your child's health

Emergency Preparedness Policy

All policies have been set to ensure safety, consideration & consistency for this facility.

Our Emergency Disaster & Preparedness Plan provides for responses to all types of emergencies. You will be notified as soon as the procedure has taken place and safe housing has been completed. Depending on the circumstance of the emergency, we will use one of the following protective actions:

Immediate evacuation: children are evacuated to a safe area on the grounds of the facility in the event of fire, unsafe building structure, etc. In the case of inclement weather, we may then proceed indoors at a neighboring shelter.

In-place sheltering: sudden occurrences, weather or hazardous material related, may dictate that taking cover inside this facility is the best immediate response (tornadoes, terrorism, lock downs, etc.).

Total evacuation: total evacuation of the facility may become necessary if there is a danger in the area. In this case, children will be taken to a relocation facility. We currently have 2 available. If it ever becomes necessary to relocate, a sign will be placed on the door stating which facility we’ve gone to. If either location has to change, you will be notified and directions will be provided if needed.

Modified Operations: may include cancellation/postponement or rescheduling of normal activities. These actions are normally taken in case of a winter storm or building problems (extended power outages) that make it unsafe for children, but may be necessary in a variety of situations. Please keep the main telephone line free so that emergency calls and the relay of information can be done efficiently. An alternative phone number to call in an emergency event will be issued to current contract holders within their Emergency Preparedness Plan.

The American Red Cross website is a great place to start when planning and preparing for emergency situations.